My List

First off--I didn't actually break my streak! To be clear, the last entry was written yesterday, but I apparently forgot to hit the Publish button. So there you have it. Streak intact!

Recently a friend asked me to write a list of things I believe in. Here's what I came up with:

It can always be better.
Design is not just what you see.
If it feels unnecessarily complicated, it probably is.
Great visuals aren't everything, but they help.
Effective design builds trust.
Getting better doesn't mean doing great work--it means recognizing bad work faster.
Feedback is paramount.
Multitasking is a myth.
Smarter is better than more.
Listening is more important than talking.
Listening is harder than talking.
It's not about me.
It's all about you.
People should read.
People don't read.
Connecting is everything.
Everyone can connect on something.
Problems are better approached sideways.
Most problems in the world are being worked at from the wrong end.
Happiness is a decision.
Whatever you think it is, it's probably not.
The world needs more kindness.
Great design is invisible.
If you don't have a message to communicate, you're just making pictures.
It's harder to take away than to add in.

What's your list?
