The Little Handout That Could (Part 4)
Your product or service is awesome! Sez who? Hopefully someone who is reputable and relevant to your audience. And someone you can put a finer point on than
- Company Owner
- Partner at Major Law Firm
- Current Patient
Getting a quote from an identifiable and credible source is a great way to prove that your solution has made a difference for someone, and they've been pleased enough to talk about it.
To tie it all together, here are some steps to follow that should help to build an effective piece of communication:
Phase 1: Simplify
- Company Owner
- Partner at Major Law Firm
- Current Patient
Getting a quote from an identifiable and credible source is a great way to prove that your solution has made a difference for someone, and they've been pleased enough to talk about it.
To tie it all together, here are some steps to follow that should help to build an effective piece of communication:
Phase 1: Simplify
Identify your content
- Who is this for? Even if you have multiple audiences, pick only one for this exercise.
- What do they value? Identify their top 1-3 needs that your product fulfills.
- What is it worth to them? Place a measurable value on what your product can do for them (ie., amount of $ saved, amount of time saved per month, etc. This can be conjecture for now.)
- Write a value statement based on steps 1-3.
- How does it work? Outline a simple step-by-step to walk your audience through your product. Try to keep it to as few steps as possible (3-5).
- Who feels strongly about your product and service, and is willing to speak about it? Get a short quote from an identifiable client.
- Identify a call to action--what do you want the person seeing this document to do? Contact you? Sign up for a demo? Etc.
Phase 2: Apply
Assemble your content from Phase 1
Assemble your content from Phase 1
- Value statement for specific audience (1-2 sentences)
- Measured value: 1-3 measurable outcomes
- Step-by-step of how your product works (3-5 steps)
- Social proof--a quote from an identifiable and relevant client
- Call to action-what should your audience do right then?
Happy conferencing!
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