Time Upfront
I've recently gotten onboard with the Kondo craze. For the uninitiated, its a supposedly foolproof method for decluttering and organizing your home. If you'd like a quick overview, go here: https://shop.konmari.com/pages/about
At the beginning of the process, its strongly suggested that you envision why you want to do this process to begin with. Of course, the answer seems obvious at first: "To not look like a messy slob?" But the instructions implore you to go deeper, to ask why a few times, and uncover the deeper meaning behind your need for an uncluttered life. While each persons' reasons will be unique, I think a shared reason would be the streamlining of your time. If I think about all the time I spend looking for things, wondering if I have a particular thing, buying a thing and then realizing I already have that thing...I would imagine its an enormous amount of time.
At its heart, I think "'Kondoing" is basically a design process. When you are attempting to communicate something to someone else, clarity is crucial. You have to figure out what you want to say, and then remove everything that's extraneous to that effort. Even if you kind of like it, and you've invested some time or money into it, it's got to go. This can be heart wrenching. I know, as I've placed my beloved, but completely worn out Dead Milkmen concert T on the outgoing pile. But making this extra space allows you to clarify what you're really all about. It works the same with a brand or a product. The value needs to be given space to show itself.
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